The Halloween Photo Shoot that Almost Wasn't
Witches- O- Ween
Never mind that the shoot had been rescheduled because of an impending storm the previous Friday, (which turn out to be a gorgeous day because the storm took a turn).
Here we are photo shoot day(again) well the sun is out and the set up begins as this was suppose to be done in a section of my backyard that would really make it cool .
No....... the clouds show up and we start taking down, Santy our photographer is due to arrive at three so we go to plan B WAIT! There was no plan B improvise, improvise.
So, in the midst of a really bad rain and windstorm that did not stop all day long where witches hats kept flying off and rain kept blowing under my covered patio and a humidity level of 150% , My Mom and I setting up and making the food, while my grandmother inside entertaining the kids (who thought that they were going to be playing outside not in) and our helpers (Hubby & Dad) that due to the weather could not get out of work so
we improvised!
As always our photographer Photograhy By Santy Martinez he is great, reliable and even under the worst circumstances will make things look awesome. Thank you Santy and My friend Renee from Dainty Delights for the outrageous cookies, Everything else created by us here was the end result.
Hope you liked it.